Support the Magento community and - here's the kicker - get a business lead or two in the process.

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Our Partners

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How does it work?

So, basically to join it all you have to do is sign up as a member. There are no referral commissions or anything like that. I do have a community sponsors program where some companies are sponsoring seats for freelancers and others who can't really afford it. I'm starting to build out the agency directory which will have tags associated to different specialties, which will be tied into portfoliio stuff you upload to your profile, talks that you give, questions you answer in the community, etc. I'm going to work on building traction to the solutions partner directory so that you can get some hot leads. That's going to take time but hopefully you can believe in the vision early. As the value prop becomes stronger and the leads are flowing, the price for membership will likely continue to rise.